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Outside the Loop RADIO

Jun 27, 2008

Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann celebrate Pride Weekend with an OTL flashback, they discuss the latest wave of local urban wildlife, they talk with a man who traded his car for a bike, and then they learn about the Chicago Justice Project.

Jun 20, 2008

Mike Stephen tells Andy Hermann about a bicycle revival, they highlight another local podcast, they discuss the magnificence of cheesy FM radio, and then they talk about parking and driving issues in Chicago.

Jun 13, 2008

Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann talk about the Olympics and Block 37 in Chicago, they learn about the connection between drinking and writing, and then they discuss the political fallout after the Tony Rezko verdict.

Jun 6, 2008

Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann receive feedback and read personal ads, they discuss the murder rate in Chicago, they hear about an online stolen bike registry, and then they learn about taxicab culture.