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Outside the Loop RADIO

Dec 31, 2017

Mike Stephen takes on "the wall" at First Ascent Avondale and is suddenly forced to come to grips with his personal issues of lower body-strength, heights, and trusting others as he clings to 40-ft wall.  Thankfully, he has local climbing extraordinaire and community outreach advisor Justin Forrest Parks to guide him...

Dec 24, 2017

Mike Stephen attempts to fly the starship "OTL" solo this week because Collin decided to have another kid.  His hyper-local galactic adventures this week include chatting with MAKE! Chicago founder Joseph Budka about the power of the everyday craftsperson, renewing subspace communication with the Parking Ticket Geek to...

Dec 17, 2017

Mike Stephen puts out another call for cozy neighborhood bars to feature this winter as a semi truck rolls up to the studio, talks with Lake County volunteer Bill Hagan about finding one's passion after 50, chats with Mike Gebert, editor and publisher of Fooditor, about the current state of the Chicago food scene, and...

Dec 10, 2017

Mike Stephen puts out the call for cozy neighborhood bars to feature this winter, visits Plastic Crimewave (aka Steve Krakow) to learn about the Secret History of the late industrial guitarist Jason McNinch, chats with Louder Than a Mom co-founder Kate Hill about the power of family storytelling, and discovers an...

Dec 3, 2017

Mike Stephen syncs up with Jovan Mrvos, Zach Martin, and Quinton Swenski, (teacher and student managers, respectively) of WDBF-LP in Decatur, IN, to talk community radio from the high school prospective in another installment of Low Power to the People, chats with author Kate Hennessy about her book on her grandmother...